Country Membership Fees 2025
Country membership is for those whose primary address is over 10 miles in a direct line from St Julians.
This is the same as Full membership but with a lower fee.
Coutry member may use all of St Julians facilities: the swimming pools, tennis courts, bar and restaurant facilities, gardens, all play areas and woodland walk.
When applying or renewing for Full membership, the Club Secretary will offer this rate should it apply. The Club Secretary will ask for verification of address with your application.
New Country members
These are the fees that will apply to new applications for Country membership.
There is also an Entrance Fee for those joining St Julians for the first time.
Entrance Fee
Individual (Adult 18+) £200
Individual (senior 65+) none
Couple (two adults or one adult and one child) £400
Couple (senior 65+) none
Family £500
Country Annual Subscription
Individual (adult 18+) £620
Individual (senior 65+) £440
Couple (two adults or one adult and one child) £1240
Couple (senior 65+) £880
Family of three £1400
Family of four £1560
Family of five £1680
Family of six £1800
Family membership is for parent(s) and their dependent children.
Renewing Country members
The Renewal Fees are a discounted Annual Subscription rate available to existing members for payment in full before their membership expiry date. These will apply to existing members with Country membership if their primary address is still over 10 miles from St Julians Club.
If you are an existing member and have moved out of the Sevenoaks area you may qualify for our reduced Country membership renewal fees. These fees also apply to existing members who have moved abroad and would like to retain their membership.
Contact the Club Secretary with your new address and ask about our Country membership fees.
Individual (adult 18+) £620 £555
Individual (senior 65+) £440 £395
Couple (two adults or one adult and one child) £1240 £1110
Couple (senior 65+) £880 £790
Family of three £1400 £1260
Family of four £1560 £1410
Family of five £1680 £1510
Family of six £1800 £1610
Family membership is for parent(s) and their dependent children.
Club Rules
Members can bring guests to the Club in a limited capacity. For each membership household up to six guests are permitted per day visiting the Club.
Full and Country members may invite guests to join them poolside, swim and play tennis for which there is a fee.
The same guest may not visit St Julians Club more than four times in any one period of twelve months, with the view that they would be interested in joining in their own right after this number of visits.