March Quiz Night

Our fun monthly quiz night with eight rounds to test your knowledge on various subjects. Quiz starts at 8pm. A tasty homemade pizza menu will be available on the evening. Teams of up to 6 people with £1 per person entry – all entry money goes to the fabulous prizes which go to the top […]

Half Price Cocktails

Join us every Friday Night for half price cocktails from 6pm to 8pm. We have a great range of cocktails plus seasonal specials! There's lots of tasty dishes on the Daily Menu and Specials for those who would like to dine with us.

Mixed Generation Tennis Tournament

Evolution Tennis at St Julians Fun mixed generation tennis tournament open to all Full and Country members Sunday 16 March 10am to 12.30pm Doubles format: adult & child (12 years & under) play together We all play on mini courts using red balls & mini 23" rackets Enjoy lots of matches leading to semi-finals & […]

Half Price Cocktails

Join us every Friday Night for half price cocktails from 6pm to 8pm. We have a great range of cocktails plus seasonal specials! There's lots of tasty dishes on the Daily Menu and Specials for those who would like to dine with us.

Spring Wreath Evening Workshop

Spring Wreath Workshop Monday 24th March at 7.30pm Make a beautiful Spring wreath with Hendri from Flower & Grace. A perfect evening to chat to friends while creating something fabulous for your front door! Or as a gift for Mother's Day. £65 member and £70 guests including all materials & light refreshments. Usual guest rules […]

Spring Wreath Morning Workshop

Spring Wreath Workshop Tuesday 25th March at 10am Make a beautiful Spring wreath with Hendri from Flower & Grace. A perfect morning to chat to friends while creating something fabulous for your front door! Or as a gift for Mother's Day. £65 member and £70 guests including all materials & light refreshments. Usual guest rules […]

Half Price Cocktails

Join us every Friday Night for half price cocktails from 6pm to 8pm. We have a great range of cocktails plus seasonal specials! There's lots of tasty dishes on the Daily Menu and Specials for those who would like to dine with us.

Mothering Sunday

Spend some quality time with Mum whilst enjoying a delicious meal together at St Julians. This is a very busy lunch at the Club and you can also join us for brunch from 9am to 11:30am or lunch and dinner for bookings from 12:30pm to 8pm! Please contact us by telephone on 01732 458261 option […]

Pool Opening

Our outdoor pools will be heated and open on 1 April! Do keep an eye on the blackboard for up-to-date pool temperatures. Pool temperature will vary depending on the outdoor temperature during April. Swimming pool hours  Main pool  7am to 9pm  For swimming lengths only from 7am to 10am For leisure swimming from 10am  Slide pool & paddling pool 8am to 9pm  The swimming […]

Half Price Cocktails

Join us every Friday Night for half price cocktails from 6pm to 8pm. We have a great range of cocktails plus seasonal specials! There's lots of tasty dishes on the Daily Menu and Specials for those who would like to dine with us.